Services / 服务项目

 Nutrition Services 营养项目

1-on-1 Nutrition Consultation


During an initial nutrition assessment, we will review your questions and goals, look into your personal dietary habits, and make a nutrition care plan that is not only scientific but also tailored to you.
Follow ups can then be schedule based on your goal and availabilities.

Grocery/Kitchen Tour


A 30-45 minutes grocery shopping experience at your local grocery store with a dietitian. Preparing healthy meals gets easier from the start!营养师与您一起在平时常去的超市进行30-45分钟的购物。储备好健康食物是健康饮食的第一步!
You can also choose to lead us on a virtual tour to your kitchen. Our dietitian can learn more about your dietary habits by looking at where you spend the most time with food. Make a plan to reorganize the kitchen so healthy foods are more accessible.

Group Nutrition Service


Group nutrition services provided by Registered Dietitian can be booked in advance.
Example topics 话题例如:
  • Sports Nutrition 运动营养
  • Nutrition During Pregnancy 孕期及备孕营养
  • Nutrition for heathy aging 营养健康减缓衰老
  • Nutrition Management with Chronic Disease 营养与慢性疾病

Exercise Services 健身项目

1-on-1 Personal Training Sessions


Personalized exercise sessions that are based on your current fitness level and fitness goals. We will work with you, explore your motivation, and find your own way to add more physical activity into your daily life, so that you will enjoy exercise and love your own body.

2-Person Small Group Sessions


Our 2-person training sessions are 1.5 hours long, and provide you an opportunity to workout with your friend, family or your loved one at a lower price per person. All with lower price per person!If you do not have a workout partner yet, sign up to be matched with your future gym buddy!

In-person and Zoom Strength and Flexibility Classes


If you want to get stronger, have better posture, increase your mobility, and prevent injury/reduce your pain, the hybrid strength and flexibility classes might be the best fit for you. 
The hybrid combo fits your busy schedule by offering a 1-hour in-person class and 1-2 30-minute online classes per week.

 Free Events 免费活动

(Open to members and non-members 对客户与非客户开放)

Free events are organized regularly for Savor Endeavor customers to connect and share their experiences and thoughts.

Events may include but not limited to hiking trips, morning exercise sessions at community park, and cooking events.

Please check our Instagram or Wechat official account for update! Email us if you have more suggestions!

Stay tuned for more!